Hello World.
This is my first post on my new blog, on my new website. How exciting. If your reading this then I owe you thanks for delving this far into my portfolio to see what I'm up to already.
Watch this space for posts about my adventures, wanderings, updates, thoughts, interests, and insights - Basically everything you could expect from a blog. Apart from pictures of my food, coffee ( I prefer tea, milky, one sugar ) or overly expensive trainers. I'm going to use this page as a vehicle to share work made by my friends, as well as from local artists. I'm lucky enough to know some amazing people, with some great ideas and creative talent.
You can expect posts about whats happening in Cardiff in the art, and music world. It maybe small but there's a tonne of great creative things happening in this city, and il do my best to keep you updated.
Thats all for now,