Daniel Alford

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'Becoming a Landscape Photographer'

99% Lifestyle Magazine Interview.

I have recently been asked to answer a few questions for a online magazine called 99% Lifestyle. Its a great mag with some really beautiful content so check it out on the link bellow the interview if you get the time. Its a great one to keep checking back to every now an again. Anyway, heres the interview! 

How did you become an photographer? Describe your path to where you are today.

I always used to take photographs on family holidays when I was little. My dad would buy me a throw away film camera to take away. That’s probably my earliest memory of using a camera. I studied geology at A-level and University before switching to music, and I was lucky enough to go to some great places to contact field work, which included Iceland, Scilly, and Stromboli . Thats where my love of natural history and photography really took off. After university I started a video production company with a friend, and few years after that I started working on my own as a cameraman and photographer. 

· When did you get your first big break?

My first big job was a shoot in Greenland for Ernest Journal. I had amazing time traveling around the country exploring its amazing landscapes, learning about the culture, history, and wildlife. The Arctic is a really magical place, a photographers dream world. 

· How would you best describe your style of work?

I have always been inspired earth science, which I feel comes out in my work. I love to tell stories and use suitable tones in my images. Capturing unique moments and documenting my journeys as always been a main goal too. I like to give my images an emotive and cinematic quality.

· What keeps you positive and motivated on a daily basis?  

Positivity is something you need to work for like anything else I feel. What keeps me positive is the people around me, new challenges, beautiful places, new places, keeping fit, mindfulness, music and reading. 

· Who is your idol and why?

Sir David Attenborough springs to mind. There are so many reason why I think he is really great. He is a constant source of inspiration. His programs have always been at the cutting edge natural history film making and photography. He practically invented the genre. He has also done a huge amount in spreading awareness of conversation projects for endangered species. Big fan. Other people I look up too are Jimmy Chin, Chris Burkard, Yvon Chouinard, Doug Tompkins, Alan Watts.

· What is the hardest lesson you have learned?

Being patient, being present. 

· What is the piece of work you are most proud of?

I’m really proud of the work from Greenland. It was my first cover shot and full feature in a publication.

Do you have a memorable quote?

‘Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth’ 

- Henry David Thoreau

‘All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost, 

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

- J.R Tolkien

" Exploration requires skepticism and imagination both. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. 

- Carl Sagan

‘Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone’ 

- Alan Watts

. If you had to define the term ‘being creative’, what would you say?

I would say creativity is a state of flow, I find a lot of peace in that flow state. The obvious words spring to mind to describe creativity like, expression, emotion, meaning, and vulnerability. 

· What advice would you offer to someone starting out in your field of work?

I would say keep shooting and challenge yourself, you need to live and breath it if its coming to take you places. Pour everything you have into it, and you will get there. Work hard and be patient, and keep putting out content. Utilise social media, and know your audience.

· If you could go back and tell your 18-year old self one thing, what would it be and why?

It fine to make mistakes, follow your passions, work hard and worry less. 

· What do you do in your spare time outside of work?

I love to cycle, travel, read, and socialise 

· Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? 

I really like growing plants. 

· What is your favourite: 

1. Film and TV show?

I don't really watch TV, but movies like Lord of the Rings, Forest Gump, 180 Degree South, All.I.Can, and Into the Wild are up there.

2. Musician?

At the moment I’m loving Frightened Rabbit, Jamie XX, Souleance, James Blake and La Fine Equipe. 

3. Current Book?

‘The Snow Leopard’ - Peter Matthiessen

‘The Wisdom of Insecurity’ - Alan Watts

4. Food/ Meal?

Italian / Mexican 

5. Video Game?

Don't really have time for video games these days. 

6. Website/blog?

Huckberry, The Guardian, brainpickings.org, NatGeo, Vice

7. Mobile App?

Afterlight, VSCO


If you wanted to check out the magazine and the interview online click the button bellow, thanks!