'I can still remember the first time I traveled to a new country. I remember the aircraft door opening and being hit by a wave of warm dense air, that smelt completely alien. Staring out of the bus window at the new landscapes, new towns, and new the people I was about to meet. I get the same excitement now, the urge to travel burns away in my heart. I usually travel alone, and very simply. With a place to sleep on my back and camera in my hand. Seeing new sights and smells every day is bliss, my senses tingle. I find it hard returning back to normal life, I crave simplicity and new horizons. I have been fortunateenough to travel to some beautiful places in the world with my camera, and this project for me perfectly sums up how I feel doing so. Being a tiny person in a vast landscape, being a speck on a speck on a speck in the universe. Seeking beauty and perspective in nature, to enrich my soul.' - Daniel Alford